Preparation Classes​ & Support Groups Offerings

A Walk Through Pregnancy*

  • 3 hour class
  • Discussion Topics include but are not limited to:
    • Expected pregnancy-related physical symptoms Optimal nutrition during pregnancy
    • Physical, emotional & spiritual pregnancy support
    • Herbal support during pregnancy

A Walk Through Birth*

  • 3 hour class
  • Discussion Topics include but are not limited to:
    • Labor and birth physiology
    • Stages of labor and associated physical and psycho-emotional symptoms
    • Physical, emotional & spiritual preparation for labor and birth

A Walk Through Baby Feeding*

  • 3 hour class
  • Discussion Topics include but are not limited to:
    • Physiology & anatomy supporting lactation
    • Latching positions
    • Latching tips & tricks
    • Herbal and nutritive support

A Walk With Baby & Me Support Group*

  • 5 Weekly meetings
  • Therapist-led discussions & activities will include but are not limited to:
    • Physical, psychological & emotional changes & processing during postpartum
    • Bonding activities
    • Open & non-judgmental sharing of experience

*Sliding fee scale & payment plans available upon request

*We are now accepting insurance through The Lactation Network. Please click on the following link to verify if your insurance covers lactation support with us.